VBFoodNet 2017 conference

Log in as a new user


Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Email *

Please do not use blank spaces in your email/login. You must remember this email/login to log back in.

Confirm :

Please confirm your email address ton ensure that messages are sent to correct address

Password *

Do not use spaces, or characters such as # ! ? & < or > in your password. You must remember this password to log back in.

Confirm Password *

Please re-enter your password.


Participant Name

Given Name *

e.g. John
Thi Mai Lan

Surname *

e.g. Smith

Use capitals only for initial letters


Female Male

Prefered Title *

Prof Dr. Mr. Ms.

Affiliation (University - Company) *


Postal Address *


State / Province

Postal / Zip Code *

Country *

Telephone Number *

(+ country code-Area code-Local number)

Fax number

(+ country code-Area code-Local number)


Please note that personal information in the application form will not be used for purposes other than the VBFoodNet Conference.
Your information will be stored in controlled servers with limited access.


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In which year are we now ?